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Category Descriptions and Entry Codes
Please read the category descriptions and rules below before completing the entry form. The descriptions provide examples, but do not include every program type that might be appropriate in a particular category. The category entry codes are in brackets [ ].
Questions or clarifications? Email TABE Competition Chair Tony DeMars at
Click here: AUDIO ENTRY FORM.....Click here: VIDEO ENTRY FORM. Be sure to submit entries using the correct for,
Entry forms accepted here from Nov. 15, 2024 through May 19, 2025.
** Be sure to coordinate with all students within your department before submitting your entry. Students may not enter more than once in any specific category.**
News & Sports Reports / Packages
NOTE THAT ALL News & Sports Reports Submissions are judged as one competition.
I. Hard News / Spot News [Audio 101] [Video 201]
This category is for shorter (under 2:00) hard news or spot packages (reporting ‘what happened / is happening’) that would air during a newscast. For radio, this should include actualities (sound bites) and natural sound elements in addition to reporter voice content. A video production should contain voice-over with b-roll, sound bites, and a reporter voice over and no more than one stand-up. The stand-up may be a live shot component. One entry per person and no more than three entries per school in this category.
II. News Feature Package [Audio 102] [Video 202]
This category is for shorter (under 2:00) feature news packages (‘about it / about them’ kinds of stories) that would air during a newscast. For radio, this should include actualities (sound bites) and natural sound elements in addition to reporter voice content. A video production should contain voice-over with b-roll, sound bites, and a reporter voice over and no more than one stand-up. The stand-up may be a live shot component. One entry per person and no more than three entries per school in this category.
III. Sports Report Package [Audio 103] & [Video 203]
This category is for shorter (under 2:00) hard, spot or feature sports packages that would air during a sportscast or sports program. For radio, this should include actualities (sound bites) and natural sound elements in addition to reporter voice content. A video production should contain voice-over with b-roll, sound bites, and a reporter voice over and no more than one stand-up. The stand-up may be a live shot component. One entry per person and no more than three entries per school in this category.
Talent Entries
IV. Television Talent – On camera News or Sports [Video 204]
This would be a news, weather, or sports on-air (anchoring, weather reporting) segment compiled from one or more broadcasts. The submission must include all on-air talent from one person with extra parts from others edited out—like a DJ aircheck, it should be a ‘telescoped’ version of only the entrant’s performance during that program. One entry per person and no more than five entries per school in this category.
V. Audio News or Sports Talent – [Audio 105]
This would be the calling of play by play taken from one specific broadcast, or news, weather, or sports on-air (anchoring, weather reporting) segment compiled from multiple programs. For reporting, the submission must include all on-air talent from one person, but, like a DJ aircheck, be a ‘telescoped’ version of only the entrant’s performance during that program. For play-by-play the entry must be the full first 20+ minutes of one unedited game. One entry per person and no more than three entries per school in this category.
VI. Radio DJ / Show Host Talent) [Audio 106]
Represented by a typical music and/or information radio airshift. Submit a telescoped montage of one airshift, without removing any of the live breaks done in the shift. One entry per person and no more than five entries per school in this category
Spots, Promotional Videos & Podcasts
VII. Spot Production: Promos, PSAs, Commercials [Audio 107] & [Video 207]
(a) Standard-length (:30 or :60) promotional announcement produced for a station or other client. (Does not include Station Imaging, sweepers or stingers). (b) Standard-length (:30 or :60) public service announcement produced for a station or non-profit client and run as a community service. The objective of a PSA is to provide information, education and awareness. These should be for real organizations, not speculative causes. OR (c) Standard-length (:30 or :60) commercial produced for a station or other client. Intended to sell a client’s product or service or promote a corporate brand. One entry per person and no more than three entries per school in this category.
VIII. Promotional Video or Music Video (Video only) [Video 208]
Originally produced 3 to 5 minute videos to original or previously released music. Copyright permission form must be provided from copyright holder of the music--items submitted without this will not be judged. OR a 3-5 minute promotional piece promoting an entity or organization—such as a college sports team, a university department or a non-profit organization. One entry per person and no more than three entries per school in this category.
IX. Podcast [Audio 109] & [Video 209]
This must have produced for the primary purpose of online distribution as a short (5:00 or under) audio or video podcast, although it may have also been broadcast. The URL of where this exists online from its original distribution must be included on the entry form for it to be judged in this category. Non-podcast creations cannot be submitted here—you must include a notation about the podcast process available to distribute your program. One entry per person and no more than three entries per school in this category.
Remaining Categories
X. Documentary [Audio 300] & [Video 400] or Short Film Radio Drama [Audio 301] & [Video 401]
This would be a several-minute up to 30-minute audio or video documentary, or a radio drama (comedy or drama genre) or visual short film, including animation or experimental. Audio & video entries produced from original scripts or adapted from existing scripts. Entrant responsible for any copyright permissions required.
• Short Film / Radio Drama [Audio 301] & [Video 401]
This would be a several-minute up to 30-minute audio or video drama (comedy or drama genre) or visual short film, including animation or experimental. Audio & video entries produced from original scripts or adapted from existing scripts. Entrant responsible for any copyright permissions required. One entry per person and no more than three entries per school in this category.
Documentary and Short Film entries are judged as one category.
XI. Program Length Entries:
• News Program [Audio 302] & [Video 402]
Full-length programs that include newscasters, packages and/or segments which were originally broadcast live or presented in a live-on-tape broadcast. Pick your school’s one best newscast to submit. One entry per school in this category.
(NO POST PRODUCTION ALLOWED—must be original as-aired program).
• Magazine or Interview Focused Show [Audio 303] & [Video 403] /
Interview based program, Game Show or Entertainment Program [Audio 304] & [Video 404]
• Sports Program [Audio 305] & [Video 405]
All program length shows will be judged as one video and one audio category. Newscasts may be traditional style production or may demonstrate creative new approaches to delivering news to the audience.
Full-length programs (that include hosts and packages and/or segments): These are (typically) multi-camera programs shot live or live to tape with minimal post-production. Include a description of the production format/content and production process. Maximum five entries per school in this category, with no more than one per school of any one particular genre (like a newscast) or specific program title. The standard rule in all categories is 'no student should compete against himself/herself' in any one category.
FOR SPORTS -- Pre-game or post-game programs of at least 10 minutes in length (originally aired live or recorded) or stand- alone sports program with packages or segments. Maximum one entry per person and three entries per school in this category, with no more than one per school of any one particular genre or specific program title.
XII. Open category (Video Only—[‘short form’ is Video 444, and may include productions that are produced as segments within a longer program.)] [‘program length’ is Video 445]
Entries are limited to original productions that do not fit any other current category listed above. Entries that meet the definition of a current established category listed above will be disqualified from being judged in this category. Entries here might include, but are not limited to: Reality TV Shows and productions using non-traditional/unique uses of production formats), etc. DO NOT SUBMIT any type of standard information or entertainment content that fits another category. Must include a description of the production format/content. (maximum three entries per school in this category, with no more than one per school of any one particular genre.)