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1.1 The name of this organization shall be: The Texas Association of Broadcast Educators (TABE).


1.2 Official use of the organization's name shall be made only through the authority of the Association.

ARTICLE 2 -- Purposes and Objectives

2.1 The purpose of the Texas Association of Broadcast Educators is to promote the recognition, welfare and progress of education in broadcasting and electronic communication in the state of Texas. The objectives are:


A. To work cooperatively toward strengthening broadcast education in the state of Texas.

B. To encourage interest of professional broadcasters and other telecommunication groups and individuals in broadcast education, with particular emphasis upon expanded financial support for programs and students.

C. To establish a channel for the exchange of information and ideas among the various institutions in the state of Texas concerned with electronic communication.

ARTICLE 3 -- Membership

3.1 The Texas Association of Broadcast Educators shall consist of two-year and four-year institutions of higher education in the state of Texas offering programs of study in broadcast, electronic communication and/or film areas.


3.1.1 Each member institution must have a program which develops radio-television skills and courses which are academically transferable to a senior college or university. A two-year institution must have a program which culminates in an Associate's degree in the field; a four-year institution must have a program which culminates in a Baccalaureate degree in the field.

3.1.2 Each member institution must offer at least twelve (12) hours in its major from among the courses included in the "Transfer Curriculum in Broadcasting, Film and Related Areas" adopted by the Coordinating Board of the state of Texas.

3.1.3 Each member institution must have the technical capacity (production equipment) for delveloping skills in audio-video production.

3.1.4 Each member institution must have at least one (1) academically qualified faculty member with full time duties in the radio-television program.

3.2 Membership shall be held by the academic unit (school, department or division) upon timing payment of dues.

3.3 Membership shall be for one year, beginning September 1.

3.4 Each member unit shall have one vote, as certified by the Secretary-Treasurer.

3.5 Any school or department not meeting the requirement for full membership may apply for Associate membership. The dues and rights of membership for the Associate member will be the same as for full membership, except that Associate members may not hold office or vote on any matter, including the election of officers, or nominate students for scholarships.

ARTICLE 4 -- Officers

4.1 The officers of the Texas Association of Broadcast Educators shall be the President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer.


4.2 The President shall preside over meetings of the Association, assist in the achievement of the organization's goals and may appoint committees to assist him/her in the achievement of these goals.

4.3 The Vice-President shall preside and exercise the powers of the President in his/her absence and shall succeed to the presidency to fill the unexpired term upon the death or resignation of the President.

4.4 The President shall serve for one year. The Vice-President shall succeed to the presidency. At each spring meeting a new Vice-President shall be elected.

4.5 The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected at the spring meeting.

4.6 All officers shall assume office on June 1.

4.7 An officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the membership.

ARTICLE 5 -- Meetings

5.1 Regular meetings of the Texas Association of Broadcast Educators shall be held at least two times each year. The time and place of the fall meeting shall be designated by the President in conjunction with the meeting of the Texas Association of Broadcasters, if possible. The time and place of the spring meeting shall be considered at the fall meeting.


5.2 Special meetings of the Association may be called by the President or the Executive Committee with at least ten days written notice.

ARTICLE 6 -- Executive Committee

6.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer.


6.2 The Executive Committee shall have the power to conduct the business of the Association between regular meetings. The Executive Committee shall be responsible to the members of the Association and it shall report its actions at the next regular meeting.

ARTICLE 7 -- Parliamentary Procedures

7.1 In the absence of any provision to the contrary in this Constitution or in the By-Laws, all business meetings of the Texas Association of Broadcast Educators, of the Executive Committee and of the Association Committees shall be governed by the parliamentary rules and usages contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Revised.

ARTICLE 8 -- Amendment

8.1 Amendment of the Constitution or By-Laws may be initiated by any member of the Texas Association of Broadcast Educators.


8.2 Any proposed change in the Constitution or By-Laws must be circulated by mail to all members of the Association at least twenty (20) days prior to the next regularly-scheduled meeting.

8.3 Changes proposed in the Constitution or By-Laws may be adopted, amended or rejected by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members in attendance at any meeting where the proposed changes have had prior circulation.

ARTICLE 9 -- Adoption

9.1 Adoption of this Constitution shall be by majority vote of the entire membership of the Texas Association of Broadcast Educators. The Constitution shall take effect immediately upon adoption.


1.1 Dues are thirty-five dollars ($35) per year for all classes of membership.


1.2 A quorum for transacting regular business shall consist of those members present at a regularly scheduled or called meeting.


© 2025 TABE

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